Benign Prostate Hyperplasia BPH Prostate Enlargement Prostate Health

What Is The Main Cause Of Prostate Enlargement?

Have mid-night annoying trips to the bathroom become usual in your life? Alert! Maybe these are early signs of some problematic conditions you’re likely going to face. Urination at unusual times in the night is surely pointing towards a cause of prostate enlargement. Yes, it’s one of the most common problems among men that becomes apparent as they grow older.

However, you might be wondering ‘if it’s a common problem then why do I need to worry’. Of course, it’s a common problem, still, men who detect signs of prostate enlargement earlier but intentionally do not show any interest in its treatment can face bigger problems in their life later.

Lots of people usually overlook it, but timely precautions may provide you with effective management of these problems. Let’s discuss more it.

First, understand what is Prostate?

The small walnut-sized reproductive system –‘Prostate’ has a crucial role in men’s life. It’s a muscular gland that surrounds the urethra. Besides, the prostate works in providing sexual satisfaction to men.

For instance, it propels the fluid and semen from the penis for a great sexual experience. But as said above, over time, the prostate grows bigger in size. Consequently, the complication starts threatening the quality of a man’s life.

Cause Of Prostate Enlargement

Introduction to Prostate Enlargement & why it occurs

Prostate enlargement or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an uncomfortable urinary problem. A man with BPH may start experiencing frequent urination. However, this problem stems from the multiplication of cells in the prostate gland that leads to a larger prostate. As a result, the accumulation of these multiple cells creates swelling around the urethra.

enlarged prostateAs a result, the urethra gets squeezed which creates a hindrance in urine flow. However, you don’t need to be worried as BPH doesn’t lead to cancer. But still, it can easily affect a man’s life. Around 50% of men aged 50 to 61 and 90% of men above 80 faces this problem.

Hence, you should seek medication right away if this problem has recently come to your attention or has been diagnosed in your life. After all, why lose the quality of life over something that can be easily tackled.

Enlarged Prostate Causes

The leading cause behind BPH is still not clear. Most of the researches believe that aging and testicular factors can increase the likelihood of BPH among men. BPH does not happen in people whose testes have been extracted during the early stages of life.

As compared to women, men produce both sex hormones throughout their lives (e.g., male hormone and female hormone-called estrogen). But as men grow older, the testosterone level in blood declines, leaving a more substantial proportion of estrogen.

Moreover, studies have also indicated that BPH may start evolving because of the higher proportion of estrogen inside the prostate which encourages cells to grow and cause BPH in a man. However, there are lots of theories available behind the cause of this problem, but still, the real reason is unknown.

Let’s Come to the Signs & Symptoms of Prostate Enlargement

Some of the most common symptoms of BPH are:

  • Hesitancy and straining in the urine stream
  • Weak flow or decreased strength of the urine stream
  • Feeling that the bladder is not completely empty
  • Dribbling after urination
  • A sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate
  • Mid-night urination
  • Feeling pain during urination
  • Urge to urinate again, soon after finishing
  • Frequent urination

However, for BPH treatment, most of the men choose to go with surgery. But they do it without knowing the side-effects that you may face as a result of the surgery.

Side Effects From Surgery May Include:

  1. Urinary tract infection
  2. Sudden wish to urinate
  3. Burning with urination
  4. Needing to urinate more often
  5. Blood in the urine

How to make Prostate Healthier?

Prostate is one of the essential parts of your body, and a man must care about it. It helps men to have a healthy sex life. But with aging, you might start facing loads of problems related to the prostate. Are you also facing the same issue? Or you have crossed the age bracket of 50-60 years, and now you want to pay special attention to your health?

Prosman BPH supplementThen bring Prosman to your life. It’s a natural product that has anti-inflammatory effects to manage your enlarged prostate. Thanks to ingredients like Prunus domestica, beta-sitosterol, and Decosylferulate, that make it effective with no known side-effects. It is also a clinically evaluated and patented product.


Reference links-


Prostate Enlargement Prostate Health

What is Prostate Cancer

What is Prostate Cancer

The prostate is an important organ in men’s reproductive health but is often neglected. It is a gland located in the lower abdomen, just below the bladder and right behind the pubic bone. Prosman | partially surrounds the urethra, i.e. the tube that carries urine from the bladder to penis. A normal prostate is a walnut-sized gland. Generally, every male suffers from this type of problems in his lifetime. Men over the age of 40 suffer from an enlarged prostate. Though an enlarged prostate is not a disease it causes discomfort and can lead to more serious issues if not taken care of. This enlargement continues throughout the male life and is a normal part of the aging process.

This Enlargement is also known as Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). Common symptoms of a BPH are:

  • Frequent urination
  • Incomplete emptying of the bladder
  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Difficulty in starting or stopping urine

Prostate Cancer

Enlarged prostate Treatment is not a life-threatening disease but it’s better to take some treatment for the symptoms, otherwise they become a nuisance in your daily life.

Treatment options for this vary from medications to surgery depending on the severity of the symptoms.

Thus Prostate,

  • Is a gland in the body that is linked to urination in men.
  • Increases in size as a man ages.
  • Causes many issues related to urination.
  • It is better to get treatment for the same so as to prevent further complications.

Prosman has been recently launched for this enlargement problem. It is patented, natural and clinically evaluated for safety and efficacy.


Enlarged Prostate Cancer ! Facts and Myths

Most of the males have no knowledge about prostate health. They do not even know about the functions and the complications of the. Well, information is the best tool for awareness. The prostate is a little gland, which is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. It is the vital part of the reproductive system.


The prostate is responsible for the fertility in males. It includes the seminal vesicles, which regulates the flow of semen. It provides lubrication to the sperms. During ejaculation, the squeezes the seminal vesicles and promotes the flow semen with sperm through The urethra

Prostate conditions:

Prostate conditions

As we age, size increases. It is a normal part of the aging process. Enlarged prostate encounters 3 major conditions

Benign Prostatic hyperplasia is common amongst men over 50 years of age and cannot be avoided. Age and a family history of BPH are two major reasons that increase the likelihood you might get it. An enlarged prostate puts pressure on the urethra and the bladder. So, age is considered as the fundamental factor that is responsible for BPH


The phenomenon of prostate cancer

If we describe these terms without the complication method of medical science, then we can say that it’s a disease, which occurs in the prostate section of the men. It means a gland, which is shaped like a walnut in a man’s body that generates the seminal fluid that transports and nourishes sperm.

According to the researches and health experts, the condition or disease of the prostate gland is one of the most common cancer diseases among the men. In the initial stage, the disease of prostate cancer grows slowly and confined itself to the prostate only, and in this stage, it might not cause severe harm to the body. Though some other types of prostate cancer don’t even need any prostate cancer treatment, but some spread very quickly and cause severe harm to the body.


Symptoms of Prostate cancer in men

Prostate Cancer

The only better and best way to treat this disease is to diagnose it at a very initial stage of the disease. Now, let’s check out some common symptoms of prostate cancer.    

At the initial stage, it may cause no symptoms or signs but at the advanced stage it will show some severe signs and symptoms such as-

1) Trouble in urination

2) Blood in semen

3) Bone pain

4) Erectile dysfunction

5) Pelvic area discomfort

6) Lower force in the stream of urine

Prostate cancer causes

It is not pretty much clear about what causes prostate cancer in men’s body. But according to the doctors and researches, when some cells of the body become abnormal and start dysfunctioning, it creates the chances of prostate cancer. Because the mutation process in the DNA of abnormal cells causes the rapid grow and divide process, and this process leads to the death of other cells and transformation to tumor from the abnormal cells.  

Risk factors

1) Age 

The risk of prostate cancer disease gradually increases, as you grow old.

2) Race

The reasons are still not determined but black men hold a great amount of risk of prostate cancer rather than other races men. In black men, the state of prostate cancer can be more advanced and aggressive. 

3) Family history

Certainly, it depends on your genes and heredity too. If someone from your family also had this disease, then your risk of acquiring the disease will gradually become high.

4) Obesity 

This is one of the most difficult phases of this disease because an obese man obese diagnosed with this type of cancer may be harder to treat.

What are the preventions?

1) Make a proper diet plan which is full of organic food, vitamin and nutrients.

2) Prepare your body for hard exercises

3) Maintain and work on your body weight

4) Medical care and guidance 



So, these are the various aspects of prostate cancer, which include its stages, causes, risk factors and prevention. Experts say that it is always better to take the aid of medical at the initial stage of the disease because it will give you the fair chance to get the treat. But it is essential to consult with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise


PROSMANTM is an innovative product derived from Prunus Domestica that has anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting production of pro-inflammatory prostaglandins in the prostate.

It has been derived from prunus domestica & comprises of active constituents beta-sitosterol & decosylferulate.

Prosman has no known side effects and is safe for consumption.

Dosage :

One capsule, twice a day after meals.

Prostate Cancer